Global climate strike, September 24th, 2021
High time to act: we choose the climate!
Global climate strike, September 24th, 2021
We must act now to curb the global climate crisis and extinction of species, and to be able to comply with the Paris Agreement's limit of 1.5 degrees. So far, the grand coalition in the Bundestag has reacted only half-heartedly to the street protests of millions of people. But we can change that with the upcoming federal election: we can ensure that climate plays a central role in the elections by filling the streets once more - and by voting for consistent climate protection on September 26th.
Those who want to gain our votes for the federal election, need to protect the freedom of future generations and understand that the climate crisis solution is a huge opportunity to render our society more modern, more democratic and fair - to generate millions of good jobs and provide a better quality of life for everyone.
We are urging the future government to:
- phase out coal by 2030 at the latest and may no longer continue to expand open-cast lignite mines. We won’t let people lose their homes even today for the sake of coal.
- expand renewable energy to at least 80 percent of gross electricity consumption by 2030 in a nature-compatible way and invest in alternatives to fossil gas, such as green hydrogen.
- invest in attractive local public transport and cycling infrastructure, stop all motorway projects, and set a date for a socially acceptable end to the registration of new cars with internal combustion engines. We propose an end date before 2030.
- Advocate for climate and environmentally friendly agriculture with fair prices for producers as well as species-appropriate and area-related animal husbandry. This must also link agricultural subsidies predominantly to ecological services.
- initiate a socio-ecological transformation of the economy now and invest in climate-neutral industries instead of subsidising climate-damaging industries with Covid-19 state aid and tax breaks.
- ensure good wages and build a solidarity welfare state so that electricity, housing, food, and transport are both climate-friendly and affordable for everyone.
- stand up for climate justice in the Global South and at least double German climate finance by 2025.
- Campaign against climate-damaging agreements such as CETA and the EU-Mercosur agreement, reject private arbitration courts and, together with as many EU states as possible, withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, through which corporations can take legal action against the decommissioning of fossil-fuel power plants in secret arbitration tribunals.
Join us! On September 24th we will take to the streets nationwide together with Fridays for Future. If required, we will follow appropriate COVID measures and protest with face masks, whilst respecting social distance. In colourful protest, people from across society are making it clear to the political parties: this year we are electing a government that finally takes climate protection seriously. Join us for a good future for everyone! #Climatestrike #FridaysForFuture